The Primavera Bio line was born more than 20 years ago, the first true organic line in Italy.
It is a line of organic meats and cold cuts, produced according to natural methods: from pig breeding to the processing of the meat, to the curing of the cured meats.
It represents the solidarity and ecological soul that permeates our entire philosophy, based on organic, preservative-free, gluten-free, dairy-free products, free-range farming and a fully integrated supply chain.
The history of organic is our history and our history is our value.
We were the first company in Italy to produce organic cured meats and we are the only one with a fully integrated supply chain.
This passion of ours has led us over the years to receive important recognitions in our sector such as the coveted Good Pig award, the recognition given by the international association ‘Compassion in World Farming’ for our company’s commitment to protecting the welfare of pigs.
The Guida Salumi d’Italia 2025, edited by Sabatino Sorrentino and published by Maretti Editore, is the latest edition dedicated to high-quality Italian charcuterie. This sixth edition offers an overview of more than 220 Italian producers, presenting a variety of PDO, PGI, BIO and black pig cured meats.
For Salumificio Pedrazzoli it was a very successful edition with no less than 4 awards: the prestigious ‘Eccellenza 5 Spilli’ for our cured meats Crudo Bio Brado24+ and Salame BioEttore, the ‘Animal Welfare’ award and, a source of pride, the ‘Spillo Verde’ award for ‘Sustainable Company and Supply Chain’.
The history of organic is our history and our history is our value.
We were the first company in Italy to produce organic cured meats and we are the only one with a fully integrated supply chain.
This passion of ours has led us over the years to receive important recognitions in our sector such as the coveted Good Pig award, the recognition given by the international association ‘Compassion in World Farming’ for our company’s commitment to protecting the welfare of pigs.
The Guida Salumi d’Italia 2025, edited by Sabatino Sorrentino and published by Maretti Editore, is the latest edition dedicated to high-quality Italian charcuterie. This sixth edition offers an overview of more than 220 Italian producers, presenting a variety of PDO, PGI, BIO and black pig cured meats.
For Salumificio Pedrazzoli it was a very successful edition with no less than 4 awards: the prestigious ‘Eccellenza 5 Spilli’ for our cured meats Crudo Bio Brado24+ and Salame BioEttore, the ‘Animal Welfare’ award and, a source of pride, the ‘Spillo Verde’ award for ‘Sustainable Company and Supply Chain’.
It is possible to make farming choices that favour the welfare of pigs.
We self-produce our own organic feeds, such as maize, wheat, barley, bran and soy, to best breed and feed our pigs.
We safeguard the needs of our animals and the environment; the pigs are free to express themselves and their natural behaviour.
Only in a proper balance between soil, space and pesticide-free food is the true value of organic farming generated.
Our organic pigs do not receive veterinary medicines, but are treated with homeopathic medicines.
The label of our products is short, easy to understand and as transparent as the origin of our raw materials, which are 100% Italian.
We self-produce our own organic feeds, such as maize, wheat, barley, bran and soy, to best breed and feed our pigs.
We safeguard the needs of our animals and the environment; the pigs are free to express themselves and their natural behaviour.
Only in a proper balance between soil, space and pesticide-free food is the true value of organic farming generated.
Our organic pigs do not receive veterinary medicines, but are treated with homeopathic medicines.
The label of our products is short, easy to understand and as transparent as the origin of our raw materials, which are 100% Italian.
Immaginate di passeggiare tra i nostri allevamenti, dove il benessere degli animali è la nostra priorità. Sentite il profumo delle erbe fresche che nutrono i nostri suini. Entrate nella nostra sala di lavorazione, dove i mastri norcini, con gesti precisi e amorevoli, trasformano la carne in opere d’arte gastronomiche. Infine, respirate l’aria umida e profumata delle nostre cantine di stagionatura, dove il tempo lavora la sua magia.
Selezione amorevole delle migliori carni italiane da allevamenti etici
Lavorazione artigianale seguendo le ricette segrete di famiglia
Stagionatura paziente e naturale nelle nostre cantine storiche
Controlli attenti e appassionati in ogni fase del processo
Rappresenta l’anima solidale ed ecologica che permea tutta la nostra filosofia.
L’esclusiva linea biologica Montanera di Maiale Nero Iberico Bellota.
Sinonimo di eccellenza assoluta ma anche di innovazione nella tradizione.
Salumi ricchi di proteine, vitamine del gruppo B, ferro e zinco.
It represents the solidarity and ecological soul that permeates our entire philosophy.
The exclusive Montanera organic line of Bellota Black Iberian Pig.
It represents the solidarity and ecological soul that permeates our entire philosophy.
The exclusive Montanera organic line of Bellota Black Iberian Pig.
Synonymous with absolute excellence but also with innovation in tradition.
It represents the solidarity and ecological soul that permeates our entire philosophy.
Commitment to the pursuit of excellence, respect for the environment and the desire to take care of the consumer in terms of health and food safety are the main ingredients of our company’s success and the fundamental cornerstones behind the new Primavera line.
The exclusive Montanera organic line of Bellota Iberian Black Pig.
Montanera is a project of the Salumificio Pedrazzoli to take you on a journey of discovery of the Iberian bellota pig, the excellence of Spanish pig breeding and charcuterie, combined with the organic philosophy pursued by our family for over twenty years.
Synonymous with absolute excellence but also with innovation in tradition.
A sensory tribute to the wetlands of the Po Valley, ambassador of an unmistakable and unique taste, to which even the ancient product names, linked to the theme of water, witnesses. Finally, the careful attention to the packaging and the elegant appearance of its packaging makes Q+ a line that is beautiful to look at as well as exquisite to taste.
Salumi ricchi di proteine, vitamine del gruppo B, ferro e zinco.
Salumi “magri” come la bresaola e l’arrosto di tacchino a basso contenuto di grassi e ricchi di vitamine; queste carni provengono da allevamenti anch’essi biologici, dove gli allevatori condividono i nostri stessi principi di benessere animale, alta qualità e salute.
Rappresenta l’anima solidale ed ecologica che permea tutta la nostra filosofia.
La tradizione incontra la qualità delle materie prime e il legame con la nostra terra.
Sinonimo di eccellenza assoluta ma anche di innovazione nella tradizione.
L’esclusiva linea biologica Montanera di Maiale Nero Iberico Bellota.
Commitment to the pursuit of excellence, respect for the environment and the desire to take care of the consumer in terms of health and food safety are the main ingredients of our company’s success and the fundamental cornerstones behind the new Primavera line.
L’impegno nella ricerca dell’eccellenza, nel rispetto dell’ambiente e nella volontà di prendersi cura del consumatore in termini di salute e sicurezza alimentare, sono i principali ingredienti del successo della nostra azienda e i cardini fondamentali che hanno dato vita alla nuova linea Primavera.
Montanera is a project of the Salumificio Pedrazzoli to take you on a journey of discovery of the Iberian bellota pig, the excellence of Spanish pig breeding and charcuterie, combined with the organic philosophy pursued by our family for over twenty years.
Montanera è un progetto del Salumificio Pedrazzoli per portarvi alla scoperta del maiale iberico bellota, eccellenza dell’allevamento e della salumeria spagnola, unita alla filosofia del biologico portata avanti dalla nostra famiglia per oltre vent’anni.
A sensory tribute to the wetlands of the Po Valley, ambassador of an unmistakable and unique taste, to which even the ancient product names, linked to the theme of water, witnesses. Finally, the careful attention to the packaging and the elegant appearance of its packaging makes Q+ a line that is beautiful to look at as well as exquisite to taste.
Un omaggio sensoriale ai luoghi umidi delle terre della pianura padana, ambasciatrice di un gusto inconfondibile e unico, di cui pure gli antichi nomi dei prodotti, collegati al tema dell’acqua, ne sono testimoni. Infine l’attenta cura del packaging e l’elegante veste del suo confezionamento, fa di Q+ una linea bella da vedersi oltre che squisita da gustarsi.
Salumi “magri” come la bresaola e l’arrosto di tacchino a basso contenuto di grassi e ricchi di vitamine; queste carni provengono da allevamenti anch’essi biologici, dove gli allevatori condividono i nostri stessi principi di benessere animale, alta qualità e salute.
Salumi “magri” come la bresaola e l’arrosto di tacchino a basso contenuto di grassi e ricchi di vitamine; queste carni provengono da allevamenti anch’essi biologici, dove gli allevatori condividono i nostri stessi principi di benessere animale, alta qualità e salute.
Cold cuts rich in protein, B vitamins, iron and zinc.
Low-fat cold cuts such as bresaola and roast turkey are low in fat and rich in vitamins, also suitable for the diet of athletes.
This meat comes from farms that are also organic, where the farmers share the same principles of animal welfare, high quality and health as we do.
Become part of our story and share our passion with your customers.
Clean energy for us is sun and water. We are convinced that the sun and water are the only sources to truly produce clean energy.
That is why we have renovated and integrated our photovoltaic system to produce 75 per cent of our energy.
We have also adopted a system to recycle hot water from the cooling of our machinery… so all the water we use comes from recycling.
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Salumificio Pedrazzoli
Via San Giovanni 16/A 46020 | San Giovanni del Dosso (MANTOVA)
Phone: 0386 757332
P.IVA 01592090201